IT'S NO JOKE! COUNT EVERY VOTE - Do not leave Florida and Michigan voters out in the cold in November 2008

Governor Howard Dean Friday, May 30, 2008 Democratic National Committee 430 South Capitol Street SE Washington, D.C. 20003 THE PETITION Dear Chairman Dean and Rules Committee Members, After 8 years of tax cuts for the rich, rising unemployment, escalating gas prices, environmental aid catastrophes, a failing economy, and an obscenely expensive and needless war, the American people are ready for change. The people of this great democracy are given one window of opportunity every 4 years to let their voice be heard. It may be a simple pull of a lever, but all of their hopes, dreams, fears, family and future go into this decisive act. Please, for the sake of restoring the good name of these United States, count every vote. Politicians may make decisions, parties may create rules, but ultimately, in order for our Democracy to truly be free, the voice of the people must be heard. State Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller filed a federal lawsuit on May 22, 2008 against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to get the full Florida delegation seated at the party\'s national convention - with its votes weighted to reflect the results of the disputed Jan. 29 primary. We put our full trust in you that there will be a successful resolution on Saturday, May 31, 2008 in the Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting. Chairman Dean your \"50-state strategy\" was credited with returning the House and Senate to the Democrats in 2006. Do not leave Florida and Michigan voters out in 2008 in counting every vote. Thank you for your leadership and for working to promote a resolution that will move our party forward. We have over 300,000 signatures! The over 300,000 electronic signatures were collected from our petition campaign as well as from the candidates electronic signatures campaign and other petitions from both Democrats and Republicans who believe in a fair democracy for and by the people. Sincerely, __________________ Chris Jackson Teri Bernardi __________________