My studies, and personal experience have shown me what amazing and powerful beings we ARE. Alone we are strong, but together we are invincible. It is my desire that we wake up our bodies, minds, and spirits, and unite that combined power in agreement to support Waids, to hope that the difficulties they have experienced are completed, and that there is nothing but good ahead.
Recently, the Liquor Board sent Waid a letter informing him that they intend not to renew his liquor license based mostly on incidents that have nothing to do with Waids, the establishment. And his rebuttal can be read on his facebook blog ~MY SIDE OF THE STORY~ http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=419141464182&id=1103232461&ref=mf.
A hearing will be scheduled in the coming month and we can make a difference on the outcome of their decision. We do have a voice and that voice should be heard.
Having said that, we are asking you, friends of waids, to sign this petition to show your support and make our voices heard.
Amelia FullOf Grace