Fix the Walls and Stop Payments to Contractor

1) Sign this Petition!
2) Please complain to the board and management, and consider taking more action yourself (example: organize a group to address this).
3) Remind your neighbors to sign this petition, ASAP, or the latest by Sunday, March 6th.
1) We request that the board stop all payments to the contractor immediately.
2) We request that the ripples and other issues on the walls be fixed immediately.
The board and building management has mislead the building owners. This statement from the building management, in an email dated Friday, February 26, is completely false:
"Also, some floors have "ripples" in the wall covering which are caused by the gases, vinyl to vinyl, including the drywall underneath. Its both the dampness of the drywall that takes time to dry and the gasses that take time to escape; this could take up to six months or more to dry. One other factor is the wall imperfections in a 45 year old building due to movement of the building. The sway of the building is greater at the top than the bottom which leaves more noticeable ripples on the higher floors. Some of those ripples will also disappear over time while other imperfections will be substantially reduced. They will not all disappear as many existed in the walls before this project began and your line of sight got used to not seeing them in our old walls."
There is a difference between ripples and bubbles. The bubbles should get better, but the ripples never will.
The ripples were caused by the contractor who incorrectly installed the new wallpaper. Underneath the wallpaper are pieces of drywall. “Joint Compound (also called “mud”) is used to seal the joints between the pieces of drywall and create a seamless base. The Joint Compound needs to be smoothed and sanded. At 100 East Bellevue, the Joint Compound was applied too thick, and has resulted in the ripples.
1) The ripples did not exist on the walls before
2) The ripples are not worse on the higher floors because of the sway of the building, they appeared because the contractor had poor workmanship. Once residents started complaining, the contractor began improving the quality of the workmanship. The higher floors were rushed and not done well.
3) The ripples will never improve and will never go away. They are permanent because the contractor did not smooth the Joint Compound (mud) correctly on the drywall beneath the wallpaper.
4) Once paid, the contractor will never fix the walls and the building will be stuck with horrible walls.
5) The value of the building and condos will be reduced from lower quality hallways.
6) The board president is indifferent about fixing the walls and is on record that he did not want to do the project.
7) The building over-paid for the project and spent $1.3 million for low quality work. At the price we paid, we should expect "A" quality work.
8) We should not be stuck with poor workmanship, and the contractor should be responsible for fixing the walls.
Correction on original sheet: "The joint compound needs to be smoothed and sanded before it dries", was correct to "The joint compound needs to be smoothed and sanded".