Ric Voyager 0

全城 撐電車 聯署 - SAVE the HONG KONG TRAMS

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香港電車迷會 回應 : 全球四百多個城市均使用路面電車系統作為交通骨幹,是現今最時尚及最具效益的交通,而不少城市如台灣高雄,中國深圳,上海,瀋陽及廣洲等地近年都引進現代化電車,鼓勵市民使用環保集體運輸,減少使用汽車。而香港電車雖然是較傳統的形態,但近年正積極改革,以提高營運效率,挽回流失中的客量。電車就算點變,由單層到雙層,由熱狗變有冷氣,都是屬於香港人的電車!都是我們熟悉的香港電車!


A consulting firm recently proposed to cancel the tram path from Central to Admiralty. The aim is to alleviate the problem of traffic congestion in Central. Wisely Consultants Limited indicates that the transportation function of tram connecting the West Island and East Island has been replaced by MTR, but tram occupied 30 percents surface area of Des Voeux Road. Therefore, the cancellation of tram in the concerned area can alleviate the problem of traffic congestion. The mentioned consulting firm indicated that if the Town Planning Board approves the suggestion, it starts discussing with Transport and Housing Bureau and the operating firm of Tram about how to implement the suggestion.

Tram has long been a remarkable icon of Hong Kong. Many people got on tram and went to their destination when they were young. Therefore, tram is part of childhood memory of Hong Kong people. Besides, tram is much more environmentally friendly than other transportation modes. Tram deserves to be retained due to all of the above reasons.

To let the government hear what we say, to SAVE the HONG KONG TRAMS, to protect our environment, please sign the petition without hesitation.

from Hong Kong Trams Enthusiast

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