Tyler Hauer California 0

Your thoughts on a fashion club Re-Election

8 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tyler Hauer California 0 Comments
8 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello fashion club members. It has been brought to the attention of the fashion club that some members are not satisfied with the end of the year elections. Due to this we as a whole should have a say in the matter. Please sign this petition and state your thoughts on the matter. If you believe that there should be a re-election, or there should not be a re-election.

If you believe that there should not be a re-election please follow this format

Format: I (your name) believe that there should not be a Re-Election in the fashion club. The reasoning for this is (why you don't want a re-election).

If you believe that there should be a re-election please follow this format

Format: I (your name) believe that there should be a Re-Election in the fashion club. The reasoning for this is (why you believe there should be a re-election).

We highly value your opinions and thoughts in the fashion club and believe that the members should have a say in important decisions in the club. All of your thoughts will be taken seriously so please don't rush your response when signing the petition.

~Thank you fashion club

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