Tiffany Kelly 0

we need jobs not obama

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Tiffany Kelly 0 Comments
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whats sad is people who need welfair cant get it and those who dont do. why shold we have to pay for someone elses lazyness? ive been trying to get a job for monts now even going to school online thinking i could get a job turns out there are no jobs to apply for anymore. we make to much to be on welfair yet not enough to buy food,heat,medical bills, cars, ect. im am willing to work to get what i need. if obama takes out coal jobs we will have nothing. u think well its just caol its paulition no its our heat our gas our food how it gets to the stores its everything if u take caol away how will you get the things you need, say u had a job and they said you pay check will now go to another family cuz they are lazy and dont feel like working and is scaming the system you would be mad because no u work and for what nothing. we need more jobs and less Obama! please help me get him out of office so we can live the life all of us want with out freedom and out consutition and rights as a american!

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