Jeff Cohen 0

Turn the "Party Room" into A Gym at 400 Wellington

9 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jeff Cohen 0 Comments
9 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello all, as most of you are hopefully settling into your units I would like to address the "party room" I hope all of you have had a chance to see it. My initial thoughts are that it is very underwhelming and with a nice view of a dumpster it is unlikely that it will ever serve to anything more than Kristins office. I would like to propose that we convert this room into a gym. I would like to get a sense of interest from the owners so please take the time to fill out the petition if you are interested. I am in the process of retrieving some equipment quotes from a few different companies. I will then be able to pass these numbers around so you will get a sense of what the total costs are to the corporation and in turn the residents. My initial thoughts are that we should be able to finance the equipment with a medium length amortization which should equate to a few dollars per unit per month per unit. I believe that the numbers will make sense. If you are a regular gym user, you are most likely paying between 40-80 dollars per month. This is a potential savings which could easily justify a modest increase/future increase in condo fees. I also think that having a gym in the building adds value and will assist in future resale.

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