Annabel Kelly 0

Traffic Calming on Millport Avenue

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Annabel Kelly 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The majority of residents on the one-way section of Millport Avenue and Olmstead Court are very concerned at the volume and speed of traffic traversing Millport Avenue. Of particular concern is the high volume of trucks (including empty school buses) using the street as a cut through.

We feel strongly that the one-way section of street - with its high concentration of young children (20+), snaking bends, narrowness, poor visibility, paving quality, and proximity of homes to the street - is not suited to the amount of traffic that it is currently handling particularly during rush hour. The two 2013 traffic surveys caught many cars traveling at over 40 mph with some traveling 50mph. Residents with properties located closest to road report that their houses shake when larger vehicles go by at speed.

The New Canaan Traffic Calming workgroup has acknowledged the problem and offered to install line striping along each shoulder of this section of roadway. On the left shoulder the line would be painted yellow and on the right shoulder the line would be painted white. It is hoped that this shoulder striping will restrict traffic flow and will aid in slowing traffic in the area. The Traffic Calming Committee informed us that the striping must occur before any other measure can be implemented. If the striping fails to make a difference, other measures -- like the ones we have previously proposed -- would be reconsidered.

In order for the town to provide this striping, we need to obtain support from a minimum of 67 % of neighbors along the one-way portion of Millport Ave. Please sign this petition - adding your address and any thoughts you'd like to add in the comments box - to demonstrate your support.

Thank you


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