Christopher Burks 0

A Petition for the Independence of the State of Tennessee

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Christopher Burks 0 Comments
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[Please only sign if you are a CITIZEN of Tennessee, and leave your city in the comments]

To the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, we the undersigned citizens of this great state, hereby request the independence of this state from the United States of America;

WHEREAS, Article I, Section 1 of the Tennessee constitution states “that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; for the advancement of those ends they have at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper”;

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States, through its legislative actions, has failed to recognize the sovereignty of this state; WHEREAS, the same Congress has usurped the powers of this state and the rights of its citizens as enumerated in the constitution of the United States;

WHEREAS, the same Congress and federal government of the United States has, with extreme turpitude, imposed upon this state and its people mandates, requirements and regulations not authorized by the constitution of the same; WHEREAS, Congress has federalized school systems, assuming they know how to educate our children better than ourselves, forcing upon this state requirements that have made far too many children docile and invalid;

WHEREAS, Congress and the federal government has mandated the manner in which we are to manage and regulate our highways and at what speeds they are to be traveled upon;

WHEREAS, the federal government has abused the commerce clause of the constitution of the United States to assume powers not given to it by the constitution, in such a manner worthy of a tyrant;

WHEREAS, the federal government has assumed for itself general police powers not authorized by the constitution of the United States; WHEREAS, Congress has passed regulations infringing upon the right of the citizens of this state to keep and bear arms, as enumerated by the second amendment of the constitution of the United States; AND,

WHEREAS, Article I, Section 1 of constitution of the state of Tennessee states that “government being instituted for the common benefit, the doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind”;

WE, the undersigned citizens of the State of Tennessee, hereby petition our General Assembly to call for a referendum to authorize a constitutional convention to alter the Tennessee constitution to declare its independence from the United States of America.


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