Duke McLachlan New York 0

Third Party Candidate Bernie Sanders for America

6 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Duke McLachlan New York 0 Comments
6 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We've heard from the mainstream media how much the 2016 Presidential Election is the most unique in the history of presidential politics. Unfortunately, the news media is pointing that out from the premise of Donald Trump's emergence as the presumptive Republican nominee.

Another statistic that the media has pointed out in detail recently is the unpopularity of both major parties' inevitable/presumptive nominees. According to a recent Huffington Post article, Hillary Clinton's favorability is at 41.7%. In a similar HuffPo article, Donald Trump's favorability is at 35.2%. This will be an historic general election, in that both parties' nominees are so universally unlikable.

A notion has been floated by the mainstream media, the same media giving us the preceding statements, that voters will "hold their noses and vote." Our votes have been reduced to voting against someone instead of voting for someone. Our votes are more important and righteous than that.

While no one is forcing any of us to vote for either Trump or Clinton, there is no realistic alternative for president...enter Bernie Sanders.

I'm obviously a Bernie Sanders supporter based on the title of this petition. However, there is political viability and an ideological theory worth the risk of a third party run by Senator Bernie Sanders.

In the same Huffington Post article, Senator Sanders favorability is at 51.8%.

Disenchanted Republicans not voting for Trump and progressive Democrats not voting for Clinton, mixed with independent voters could be Sen. Sanders path to victory in November. There is more of a potential for Sen. Sanders to build an electorate that will vote for him than Sec. Clinton or Mr. Trump.

Worst-case scenario: Sen. Sanders launches a third party bid for president and does not win the presidency. Even in defeat, Bernie Sanders would begin a progressive movement with the United States that could resonate for generations. Even in hypothetical defeat, the ideas of Medicare-for-all, the top 1% paying their fair share, getting corporate money out of politics by overturning Citizens United, and free college tuition would not be swept under the rug. This would be the great use of your vote. It would certainly be better than voting while holding your nose.

This could be the first and only time that a third party candidacy could be successful. The sole purpose of this petition is to change the mind of Senator Sanders himself.

Please sign this petition, and let Senator Sanders know he will have our support in November, with or without the Democratic nomination.

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