Robert Williams 0

The World's Birthday

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Robert Williams 0 Comments
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This may sound crazy, but bare with it. I am petitioning for what some may call a radical change in the UK calendar. I am proposing that Christmas be changed to "the worlds birthday". In summary, christmas will remain the same i.e christmas dinner, christmas tress, decorations, however NO PRESENTS. Instead, UK residents will celebrate "the worlds birthday" which will take place on New Years day when PRESENTS WILL BE EXCHANGED. So, christians will get back "the real meaning of Christmas" (jesus' birth), people will still get presents and won't feel gulitly about celebrating a day they don't really believe in. Just think about it, and you'll start to understand that this is not as crazy as it first seems. I already have some interest from people but I need some more significant backing. It may never happen, but if we can at least get it to parliament it could be in the public eye and get more support! Just sign it, it's worth it really.

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