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Stop Gun Violence

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On September 27th, 2012, my Uncle Rami Cooks was shot and killed while at work. Earlier that day, one of Rami's co-workers, Andrew Engeldinger was fired. Little did they know that Andrew would come back and take 6 people's lives, including himself and my Uncle Rami.

After my Uncle's tragic death, it has made me realize that something needs to be done. Before anyone purchases a gun, they should be searched for a criminal background or mental illness. In addition, police officers should be in every school, workplace, store, etc. to protect people's lives. I believe that if there was limited access to guns and police officers everywhere, it could potentially save people's lives. Mother's would feel safer sending their children to school, people would be able to do their work and not fear of losing their life, etc.

In the past year, there have been many shootings. These shooting have even included elementary schools, movie theaters, workplaces, and in addition, Terrorism has been a huge deal lately. Innocent lives have been taken away from people. People should feel safe at their workplace, school, home, etc.
Actions always speak louder than words.


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