Daniela Fifi 0

Support Stillbirth, Miscarriage and Infant Loss Awareness in Trinidad and Tobago

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Every year more than 3 million lives are lost worldwide to stillbirth, miscarriage, and infant loss (SMI). According to the latest statistics from the Central Statistical Office of Trinidad and Tobago in 2008 approximately 455 parents lost their children to SMI.

Despite advances in medicine, the reasons for stillbirths and miscarriage remain largely unexplained, additionally their occurrences remain underreported in national data records and not recognized in national policymaking, which suggests that the nature of this type of loss is still unchartered territory in the overall national discourse. Not surprisingly therefore, parents find it challenging to find effective support systems after the loss of a child. To further compound the grieving process, parents who received poor medical attention feel not only robbed of the privilege of parenthood but also suffer the indignity of their child not being cared for with the same respect as any deceased human being deserves. 

Does our society want bereaved parents to pretend to be strong and indifferent when such unimaginable losses occur? Is it because we are simply ill equipped and uninformed as a society about such a unique form of loss that we are unable to give the requisite comfort, care and support needed? As a society do we feel helpless that we cannot take away the pain of our friends, neighbors and family members, and as a result remain awkwardly silent? Please support The Angel Project in addressing these issues through a One-Day Symposium on Maternity Care in Trinidad and Tobago combined with a Public Art Project to commemorate the lives of babies who have died.


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