Eugenia Zakharov 0

Support PS 24 PA

6 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Eugenia Zakharov 0 Comments
6 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Ingrid and Farrah,

While we still stand behind our letter to save the music program at PS 24, we also stand behind both of you and the Parent Association. We appreciate tremendous amount of work that lies before you and appreciate all you will do for our children. We feel confident that we can all work together as a strong, united school and parent community to come to a solution that will enrich our children. In addition, we feel confident that as other issues arise, we will all work together to resolve those as well.


We all must work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. On that note, it is unfortunate that our letter in support of the music program was hijacked to disparage you and the Parents Association in Riverdale Review. Our goal was to draw attention to an important issue so that we could continue to have a strong music program at our school. It was never our intention to attack you or the Parents Association, to which many of us have contributed time and money for years, nor was it meant to undermine the important and valued work to which you and and PA leadership has dedicated countless hours. 

We thank you both for your dedication and hard work for the children of PS 24. We look forward to supporting you and working with you to serve our school.


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