Jen Keane 0

Support and honour for the accomplishments of Matt Taylor

Jen Keane 0 Comments
11031 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We have collected well over 10 000 messages of support and would like to thank every one of you for your contribution. We have closed this petition as we have to now sort through all these messages to pick out the best for the front pages and ensure they are all in support of Dr Taylor. You can still leave a message and we will forward a link to Dr Taylor so he can access new messages if he so chooses but cannot send any more directly to him.

***Reading through all of your comments is heart-warming and has reinstalled the hope for humanity that others tried to take away. Please keep them coming, we're sure Dr Ta will love them***

This petition serves no other purpose than to show Dr Matt Taylor our support.

Matt Taylor is a Project Scientist with the European Space Agency. His career has so far been extraordinary having worked on both the cluster and double star missions before being set to work on the Rosetta mission.

On the 12th November 2014 a man-made object landed on a comet, history was made. The Rosetta team celebrated this awesome achievement with a toast.

Meanwhile, watching the huge achievement from their armchairs/laptops were the Grinches who stole Rosetta. Ready to pounce on any flaw they can conjure up to make their own lives seem in any way as significant as the feats they had just observed (cough, cough, Rose Eveleth). Rather than focus on the amazing achievements, the incredible international teamwork by 100's of men and women a small group of people kicked up a fuss about the shirt Matt Taylor chose to wear.

It depicted scantily clad cartoon women with weapons, quite similar to most fantasy art (most anime, World of Warcraft....Tomb Raider). This small group aren't offended by the glamorising of guns and are apparently unoffended by demeaning a persons life work but sexy naked cartoon women is an outrage.

As I women in STEM I feel it important to remind a certain group of women of a few things, enjoying your own sexuality is not sexist, enjoying provocative clothing or imagery is both normal and natural. A guy wearing a shirt regardless of it's print in no-way implies that he does not approve of women doing anything other than making him a sandwich. Get over yourselves ladies, you give us all a bad name. I am ashamed on behalf of all females that something so insignificant can overshadow something so significant.

This petition is just to say thank you

Thank you to Matt Taylor for dedicating your life to the advancement of humanity through technology.

Thank you to Elly Prizeman who as his friend made him a personal gift for his birthday and in turn gave him something special wear for what is for a momentous occasion.

As all the 3rd wave feminists seem to have overlooked this little one, thanks to all the women working on the Rosetta mission. You are no more or less awesome than all the guys you work with (which is pretty damn awesome).

Most importantly thank you to all of the Rosetta team, regardless of which genitals you have, which continent you sit on, what shade your skin is, how vibrant a wardrobe you have or how contraversial your taste in art. Thank you for making humanity a little more awesome.

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