vinny byron 0

Street Legal ATVs

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vinny byron 0 Comments
3 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

ATVs create fun for the whole family! We see no reason to keep ATVs off the roads. ATVs are sold across the United States; yet, only Arizona and Utah allow ATVs to be registered and insured for driving on the street. Safer than a moped and more efficient than SUVs! Most ATVs achieve 30 Miles per Gallon (MPG) or higher. Some states do have parks to enjoy the machines. However, the ATV(s) must be placed on a trailer and towed to the park, which creates pollution from the towing vehicle, additional - unnecessaary traffic on the roadways, and wastes precious time. The parks in Pennsylvania already require the vehicle to be registered and insured to drive on the ATV trails. The primary nature of the machine: All Terrain ensures the machine is safe to drive on the streets. As most ATVs are equipped with head lights; consumers can meet state vehicle inspections by purchasing aftermarket light kits - including blinkers and brake lights. Many people have ATVs but cannot enjoy the vehicle on a regular basis because of the laws against driving on the streets. The economy would be better with with most ATVs getting better gas mileage than trucks and even some cars. Although some may believe ATVs are slow; all adult models will reach the posted speed limits. Let's save the environment, enjoy our toys, and get this petition to Congress! The petition will be mailed (in snail and email format) to Congress on September 1, 2013 or once we receive 10,000 signatures, whichever comes first. If you support our efforts to have ATVs street legal, please add your signature below.

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