Mary Robinson 0


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All over this country, women are being stalked and killed by a large part due to the lack of enforcement of orders for protection and the practices of the police.

When a woman files an order for protection, she is instructed to file an incident report each and every time the order is violated.  The practice of police departments across this country is to call the perpetrator and ask his side of the story.  This is a lethal practice to women as if they are relocated, it gives away her new location.  At this point, she may no longer be able to afford another relocation or the funds needed are not available from agencies.  She is then at risk of being killed.  This practice needs to end and the police are not the people that should be determining his side of the story.  If a court has already determined that there is probable cause for an order, the woman needs to be protected.  Although there are instances where false orders are put in place, it is usually the perpetrator that does this in an effort to continue to stalk and harass the victim in the case. 

Stalking and domestic violence are violations of human rights.  There has to be a change in this country regarding the protection of women.

Thank you for your support.

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