Jason Williams 0

Stop Illegal Immigration

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We, the People of The United States of America wish to express our will through the following petition:

Whereas we are experiencing an overwhelming burden resulting from illegal aliens in our lands from all countries, and

Whereas hundreds of expectant mothers risk life and limb in order to give birth within the United States in order to obtain “Birthright Citizenship” for their child, and

Whereas said children would already have the benefit of citizen of a country through their parents, and

Whereas the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was only meant to grant citizenship to the former slaves. and

Whereas countless millions of dollars are spent annually providing benefits to those who are not legal United States citizens and who are residing in this country illegally

We humbly petition the Congress of The United States and the Honorable Donald J Trump for redress of these matters through the following actions.

1] Secure the borders where warranted and provide for the enforcement thereof.

2] Swift and immediate deportation of those in the act of entering the United States illegally after processing. Mandatory arrest and jail terms for those habitual violators.

3] Legislation to ban spending any Federal funds for any benefit to illegal alien persons including but not limited to SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, Pell Grants, or Student loans. We must, however, show charity in cases of providing urgent and immediate health care.

4] The end of “Birthright” Citizenship through legislation clarifying the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. A child does not meet the standard of being “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States by simply being born here.

5] Retroactive nullifying of citizenship from anyone of minority age who had acquired such citizenship by “Birthright” means.

6] Persons over the age of majority can retain their citizenship rights by completing not less than two years of public service.

7] Severe penalties for any employer who utilizes the labor of an illegal alien.

8] Severe penalties for any illegal alien using forged or stolen documents to obtain employment, housing, or credit.

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