Anne Fraser 0

Decrease Riverside Park band shell noise

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Anne Fraser 0 Comments
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Thousands of residents in the Riverside Park are subjected to excessively loud concerts on weekends including late Sunday night and weeknights. The bandshell amplifies the noise from bass amplifiers with no breaks. This form of entitlement disturbs resident's right to enjoy their homes re:

1. Health, very upsetting, disrupts sleep from school children and elderly and anyone who may be trying to rest in the quiet of their own home.
2.Enjoyment of personal space is extremely challenged. Cannot sit outside on a rare and comfortable evening or hear inside the home due to bombardment of racket supported by a city issued permit that does not have noise level limits.
As ratepayers we are aware that the park exists to include these concerts. However over recent years these productions of extreme instrumental, wailing vocals and crowd yelling has magnified and become more frequent. We the citizens surrounding the park have our right to peace denied by the entitled use of the bandshell.
STOP THIS ABUSE of the bandshell NOW!

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