STOP BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE from being stored in Yuba City!

25 signers. Add your name now!
25 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition is in support of NOT allowing a biohazardous "Medical-Waste Transfer Station" to locate at 3180 Industrial Drive.

The YC Planning Commission has approved this company to store extremely hazardous materials including, but not limited to:

  • Human body parts
  • Microorganisms that normally cause increased mortality of human beings
  • Biomedical waste…suspected of being infected with a pathogen that is also infectious to humans
  • Waste generated in autopsy
  • Animal parts…suspected of being contaminated with infectious agents known to be contagious to humans

The Planning Commission initially approved the use in October, but that action was appealed for consideration by the City Council. The use will be considered by the City Council during a public hearing Tuesday, December 13, 2016, 6 p.m.

This petition will be delivered to the City Council during that public hearing, in support of a vote of "NO".

The City Council will also take into consideration any emails sent regarding this use. Emails to the City can be sent to: Terrel Locke,

Thank you for your support in keeping this use away from the homes, schools, churches, and businesses in the Industrial Drive & N. George Washington areas!

Please voice your opinion on this topic before it's too late!


* 12/12/2016 * : The audio from the 10-12-2016 Planning Commission Meeting is now online:

The text transcript for the 10-12-2016 Planning Commission Meeting is available here:

The 10-12-2016 Planning Commission documents are available to view here:

1. 2016-10-12-ECO-1-Project-Application.pdf

2. 2016-10-12-ECO-2-Planning-Commission-Staff-Report.pdf

3. 2016-10-12-ECO-3-Operational-Statement-by-Applicant.pdf

4. 2016-10-12-ECO-4-Negative-Declaration.pdf

--> The public notice and documents of this appeal hearing can be found here:

* 12/11/2016* : The Public Agenda & information can be found at this link:

(This petition will be updated very soon to include links to the audio of the original Planning Commission Meeting, and other factual supporting documents.)

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