Thomas Lower 0

South Texas LWC Elections

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Thomas Lower 0 Comments
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This petition is in regards to the USA Weightlifting LWC Guidelines for "Elections" which states:

"Officers must be elected on a regular basis either by a direct vote of all eligible members of an LWC or by a set of representatives who are elected by a direct vote of all eligible members. The mechanism of each LWC’s election process will be up to the individual LWC. The National Office may assist in facilitating initial elections in LWCs that currently have no officers or have been inactive for a period of two years."

Formal elections have not been done in South Texas LWC within the guidelines. We are having a formal petition, following USA Weightlifting LWC Guidelines "Enforcement" which states:

"If LWC members feel that the LWC officers fail to comply with the election and financial guidelines, fail at their duties in general (non-responsive, not meeting obligations, etc.), or violate the LWC By-Laws, a petition may be made by the members provided they have the lessor of either 25 members or 25% of members within their LWC sign the petition. The CEO (or person appointed by the CEO) will investigate to determine the merit of the complaint. Should the CEO determine that the petition has sufficient merit, then the LWC officer(s) will be removed, an interim officer may be appointed by the CEO, and an election will be conducted in the LWC to determine the replacement(s)."

We want a formal election done by USA Weightlifting for South Texas LWC.

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