Mark Lin 0

Say ‘Yes’ to Eldercare Services

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Recently, residents are rejecting HDB's plans to build eldercare facilities in their estate, following in the footsteps of some Woodlands residents who voiced similar objections. As a VWO, we firmly believe in having shared community life and resources accessible to all members of the public. Hence, having accessible eldercare facilities within the neighborhood is paramount because elderly people need these amenities in close approximation to live a socially active life. We want to stand by our value and provide a voice to potential service users, so that they do not get marginalized. Make your stand and say ‘Yes’ to support all eldercare facilities and services in the neighborhood because elderly people deserve their rights to these amenities in their neighborhood. 近日,见到有许多居民居于种种理由拒绝在自己的住宅区建设养老设施,这令人感叹社会的价值观被扭曲。作为民间的社会服务机构,我们有感这种对养老的偏见与价值观需要被挑战,我们有义务要起来凝聚社会上正确的价值观,展现公民社会的积极力量,以扭转这种不合理的社会偏见。 如果你是我们要寻找的声音,如果你也认同我们的理念,请你成为我们的签署人,同意我们的诉求: 我同意在自家楼下或住宅区里建设养老机构。

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