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PETITION LETTER to protest for Olympic AUG6 400m freestyle FINAL for Sun Yang

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#救救中國 #愛國 #齊撐國人 #china #2016rio #swimming #400m #olympic #孙杨 #SANYUNG #一人一信 #反黑幕 #愛國是一件有型事 #不要害怕我們的強大 #鬼佬唔好咁串 #禁藥

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PETITION LETTER to protest for AUG6 400m freestyle FINAL event

Dear International Olympic Committee (OIC),

The 2016 Summer Olympics (Portuguese: Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de

2016),[a] officially known as the Games of the XXXI Olympiad and

commonly known as Rio 2016, Opening rounds in certain events began on 3

August 2016 and the Games is formally running from 5 August to 21 August

2016. 400m freestyle FINAL event is held on AUG6.

We are

extremely disappointed that our swimmer SUN YANG, is humiliated by the

foreigner swimmer HORTON (from somewhere small called Australia). He

don’t have the right to insult our China’s citizen by exposing the drug

abuse event and thus stealing the Gold medals from the match 400-meter

freestyle final competition held on AUG6.

We urge the

International Olympic Committee (OIC) to open up the discussion and

investigation and let the China public express their furious anger

towards all China-hating foreigner. We also urge for re-match of such

event and punishment on foreigner swimmer HORTON, so as so reclaim SAN

YUNG’s honour. This is a request and it’s not negotiable.

Your urgent attention is required.

(your name),
AUG 2016

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#請廣傳 #撐中國

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