Gergely Farkas Budapest 0

Please grant Beta access to those who pre-ordered

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Gergely Farkas Budapest 0 Comments
2 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear Blizzard / Developers of Overwatch,

as in the trailer of Overwatch goes "We are Hope. We are Honor. We are Courage. We are justice. We are Compassion. We are Determination. We are Harmony. We are Overwatch."

Let me break it down for you:

We HOPE this reaches you because we HONOR everything Blizzard has done so far to make its games worth playing and investing hard earned money, but most importantly our free time into Blizzard games.

This is why I ask every player and of course members of Blizzard to have COURAGE to back this petition up and support it, namely to grant access to those, who have already payed for the game almost 6 months prior to its release ans a sign of HOPE, HONOR and COURAGE they feel when it comes to games, which come from Blizzard.

This would do a great JUSTICE to those who are not the so called "privileged few", the streamer stars and youtube giants who get auto invited to play Overwatch, while us, majority of the community, who would happily pay right here, right now to get access to the Overwatch Beta. I can only HOPE that some members of Blizzard will have the COURAGE and the COMPASSION to make a beneficial decision after seeing how many of the gamers support this cause.

We are DETERMINED. We seek HARMONY and understanding between Blizzard and its gaming Community, who would like to share the great experience which is Overwatch. With more players there could be more feedback to the developers and with the money flowing in from the pre-orders server capacity could be expanded and upgraded to suit the needs of a growing player base.

Please, consider the voice of the Blizzard Community.

We are Hope. We are Honor. We are Courage. We are justice. We are Compassion. We are Determination. We are Harmony. We would like to become Overwatch. Let us support you Blizzard with our pre-orders and support us back with access to the Beta.

Sincerely yours,

Gergely Farkas, Blizzard Game player from Hungary and the countless thousands

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