geo barr 0

Petition to consider posting complete slide shows online

9 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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9 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear Professors: Robert, Muehlegger and Friedman Students of the API201 B/C/D sections would like to ask you to please consider posting full versions of power point slides to the course page. It would be very helpful for reviewing the broad range of topics on which we would be tested during the final exam. We are aware of the concern that posting complete power point slides might lead some students to not attend the lectures, however, our experience in API101 B/C/D/ sections (where complete slide shows are posted online), suggests otherwise. Perhaps a compromised policy would be to withhold the complete slide shows throughout the semester (which would presumably discourage absence of students from lectures) but share them at the end of the semester when there are no more lectures to be attended and when the students would immensely benefit from complete slides in their preparation for the final exam. Students of the API 201 B/C/D sections:

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