Kristina Coffey 0

Colonie Crowd Control and traffic safety

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Kristina Coffey 0 Comments
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We are asking to have police monitor the streets for crowd control during Halloween.There are children who do not live here being dropped off by parents and disrupting our neighborhood.Cars, homes,streets and the safety of our children are at risk.It looked like a school function that night with all the parents picking up their children well after the posted curfew. Something must be done to prevent these parents from allowing their children to partake in this behavior.They are every bit as much to blame as their children.Halloween is a holiday for families to enjoy, not an excuse to cause a mob scene.Nor is it a time to lax in parental responsibilities.The parents of these teenagers unwittingly contribute to a mob of 100+,causing vandalism, screaming profanities, blocking streets, and making it impossible for the families who live in our neighborhood to enjoy the holiday.If the children can not be controlled, then maybe the solution lies with the parents.

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