karlisha monday 0

parents cameras in the classroom

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karlisha monday 0 Comments
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Have you ever wondered why your child (tween or teenager) comes home and has nothing to report? It's probably just "what they do" but there have been times my son has come home, and even hard for him to admit, their teachers have said and done things...that was undoubtably wrong. Also, how are our children learning, acting, getting along with their peers, teachers, etc.? Would a knowingly camera in each classroom that ONLY PARENTS or GUARDIANS can log into and see what is going on. Of course, we all want to know what our kids are doing at all times but we have to give them some room to make the right and wrong mistakes so I think they should be taken out of the lunch room, hallways etc. Then their is that dreadful pit in our stomach that some kid will go "off their heads" and do what a few our schools in our country has had to go through. They don't allow backpacks anymore, they frisk our children, they don't even allow their cell phones on. Don't you want to know how your children are being taught? Don't you want to know if your child is looking out the window or passing notes than listening? ...how about answering the questions? Give them the wonderful memories of school but lets see what is going on in the classrooms (including gym). Lets know a little bit more about what is going on in school. Let's help our children make it up that next step faster and wiser.

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