Govinda Madhava 0

Param Gati Maharaj

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Dear devotees,

Please accept our most humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila

Firstly, we would like to emphasize that this letter was an exclusive initiative of
the disciples, aspirants and admirers of Param Gati Maharaja, it has been written
and submitted without solicitation, knowledge or approval from Param Gati Maharaj.

Since 2009, we have been anxiously waiting for the GBC directions regarding Param
Gati Maharaj’s case. Upon his request, we remained silent during the past four years
in regards to the resolutions. He has never demonstrated any attitude that may seemdefying, and has continuously inspired us to do the same, remaining always faithful toISKCON and Srila Prabhupada.

We disciples, aspirants and well-wishers see his attitude in regards to the propositionsgiven by the GBC as being rare and exemplary. After all, many in the past haveabandoned entirely their devotional service and couldn’t remain faithful to SrilaPrabhupada, either by replacing ISKCON for another institution or by neglecting theGBC directions.

Through his correspondences, Param Gati Maharaj has always expressed his feelings ofremorse as well as his loyalty towards ISKCON and the GBC. Unlike others, he
continuedfixed in his devotional service, serving Srila Prabhupada by remaining
in India since 2009,according to the guidelines given to him by the GBC.

How can we reject someone who is attached to Guru and Krishna and strictly follows
theguidelines given by the GBC? Without extending on this subject, we therefore
find it vitalthat Param Gati Maharaj continues to be our spiritual master. We
also find ratherunacceptable the communication sent by the local governmental
body suggesting thatwe should seek shelter in other ISKCON spiritual masters,
thus, disqualifying him, even before a final decision from the GBC.
There are many aspiring devotees who will neveraccept such suggestions,
understanding, rightly, that Param Gati Maharaj is a genuine s
piritual master.

This attitude also shows absolute unawareness of the full history of Param Gati Maharaj’sdevotional service, especially in Brazil, and Portugal, Spain, France
and Switzerland,countries where he devoted all his energy in the service of
Srila Prabhupada.

At a very young age, Maharaja dropped out from University where he was studying
journalism to join the movement in Sao Paulo as a brahmacari. In a short while he
stoodout amongst other devotees for his dedication, devotion and exemplary
behavior. Hisability to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books became known all
over the world when hebecame the world’s champion book distributor
during 1976 December marathon, drawingthe attention of Srila Prabhupada,
who wanted to personally meet him. This encountertook place in India.

Subsequently, Param Gati Maharaj, became an outstanding leader, he opened a templein Belo Horizonte, the third most important city of the country and,
while he wasresponsible for this temple, this was known throughout Brazil
as the most organized,clean and fraternal temple. The affection of the
local devotees with him is huge andremains unchanged to this day. Following
this success, Param Gati Maharaj was responsiblefor Nova Gokula, ISKCON'slargest
rural community in Latin America, regionalsecretaryand, after the departure ofBhagavan Prabhu, he went to France,where he remained incharge for almost 20 years,facing extremely difficultsituations in a Yatra completely incrisis of faith in regardsto ISKCON leadership,lacking internal devotees to keep thedifferent daily services,lack of financialresources and the social image completelydestroyed in the country.
He had tobe constantly collecting funds outside of Franceand importing devotees
to helpmaintain the temples, making all kinds of serviceneeded: puja, kitchen,
cleaning,sankirtan, etc...

In periods of crisis in Brazil, Param Gati Maharaja was always requested to come and
solve all kinds of problems, being directly responsible for the reopening of some of
the most important temples with installed deities in the country (Porto Alegre,
Curitiba,São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the latter was closed for six long years).
Recently, thetemple of São Paulo, the most important city in Brazil and one of the
largest cities inthe world, was closed and many devotees tried asking for his help.
For more than adecade, he was guru, sannyasi and GBC in Brazil, France,
Switzerlandand Portugal,traveling tirelessly and never skiving away from problems.
Instead,for the sake ofSrila Prabhupada, he always accepted all the responsibilities,
problems and complicatedsituations presented to him.
Although Maharaj has been absent from Brazil since the end of 2008, he continues
to be a source of inspiration to hundreds of devotees in the country. And that
couldn’t be any different.
His example of surrender to Srila Prabhupada, absolute cooperation with the GBC at
all times, humility and total firmness in the teachings of the Sastras, is something
that qualifies him immensely as a bonafide master of Krishna consciousness.
His past makes this statement evident. And his present, undoubtedly, corroborates. Therefore, we ask humbly that you will be restituting his sannyasa ashrama and
that hecan continue officially as our spiritual master.

Param Gati Maharaja always led us on theway back to Godhead, and therefore, we are eternally grateful. We beg for the co-operationof the GBC to allow him to continue leading us in the same way.

Your servants,


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