Travis McCallister 0

our Representatives Make too Much Money

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Our Government representatives make way too much money and get way too many paid benefits on top of their salary. I think what all government representatives need is a salary that is capped at the Mean wage of the area they represent. If they represent an area that the average person only makes $35,000 per year, then that is what the representative makes. This will help to eliminate greedy representatives who are only in the position to make money. They need to be audited every year and have to show how they can afford the cars and houses etc... This would keep them from easily getting kick backs from special interest groups. Once this is in place, these representatives will have to live like the people they represent and may work just a little harder to do what's best for their constituents. Raises in their wages are contingent on the mean income for the area they represent. This would ensure that they have a vested interest in the welfare and level of income for the area they represent. Our representatives should also have to pay for their own entertainment, housing and food just like the average American worker would. They should accrue vacation time and sick pay just like any other job. If they want to go to Camp David, then they have to save up the money to pay for such a trip, just like any other American. Representatives should also accrue retirement in a common manner similar to any other administrative employment. Since they can be re-elected an unlimited number of times, this is analogous to being hired as an employee and being let go when they do not live up to employer standards. Just like every other job, if you retire from a position, that employer does not keep paying your way for the remainder of your life, neither should we take care of our representatives fro the remainder of theirs.

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