Shan Sun 0

為釣魚島向胡主席,馬總統 請願 (勵志篇) -- Urgent Petition Calls to Presidents Hu and Ma to Recover Diaoyu Islands

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Signers Please Note: A Petition Summary in English is at the Bottom of the Page.





釣魚島是祖宗傳承給兩岸所有中國人的財產,此時此際兩位直接或間接均受托于海内外全體華人,在維護祖產的權益上,絕不可掉以輕心,拱手讓人。縱觀中國近代史實,幾乎全是兄弟鬩墻死拚活鬥,内鬥不休的一部血淚的敍述,二戰結束至今, 67年過去,原是戰勝國的中國,卻要繼續流失領土給戰敗國的日本,爲什麽?蔣介石的以德報怨給我們帶來了什麽?狼子野心的日本人他們領情了嗎?原有“理所當然”中國接管戰後琉球的歷史淵由,卻幾經周折;竟然于1972年由美國方面將主權授予日本,爲甚麽?二戰後的中國流失了有24個台灣大的外蒙古,爲什麽?兩位應當比我們都清楚,兄弟内鬥,無暇照顧祖產,讓外人佔盡便宜。是什麽時候了,請回顧歷史徹底檢討一下兩位的使命吧!不要再把我們的釣魚臺丟失了!



我們現在要請教胡主席;您口口聲聲警告日本侵略者嚴重後果,到底什麽是嚴重後果? 說來聼聼。我們極想知道,狼心的日本更須要知道。我們贊許您最近向日本展示的硬實力”,但我們不知道您還會做些什麽?又能做些什麽?但在和日本進行長期鬥爭的前提下;我們在此懷著極為沉重的心情把需要講的話向您傾訴,請聼聼:

1. 即日起各級政府機關在WTO允許的情況下,絕不可再購買日本車輛包括在國内生産的合資日本品牌。

2. 減低或停止向日輸出稀土和其他有關軍工應用的關鍵原材料。

3. 減低或停止向日本輸送觀光團。

4. 為防止日本報復,立即加強與台韓和西歐各國在高科技方面的合作,將小日本邊緣化。

5. 強勢推行國内工業轉型,大力提高各種產品質量。

6. 大力鼓勵購買國貨風氣

7. 擴大推行向臺灣同胞虛心學習他們的優點長處。

8. 大力在教育及社會上推行祖傳的四維八德遺訓,徹底改進國人品德和行爲。


釣魚臺島是也是,敬請兩位以在保護祖產的前提下,擕手合作, 扭轉乾坤。乃是海外炎黃子孫的共同心聲。上幾代兩岸的領導人,功過不記,歷史自有評價。兩位肩負保釣使命,請不要流失這份祖產而讓民族罪人"強加于在我們這一代華人的心坎上。



 海外的炎黃子孫們 敬

Petition Excerpts in English

The petition addresses to Honorable President Hu Jintao of China and Honorable President Ma Yingjiu of Taiwan, Republic of China.

The tension is escalating regarding Diaoyu Islands. It appears to many of us, President Ma of Taiwan may hold the key to soften the situation by collaborating with China’s Hu Jingtao. The petition by the Oversea Chinese articulates important points to both Presidents and warns the unacceptable consequences if the Diaoyu Islands permanently falls in Japan’s hands.  

1. Reiteration of history as to why China (ROC and PRC inclusive) as WWII victor actually lost territories after the war. The bloody in-fights between the early- generation predecessors of Ma and Hu gave foreign powers free hands to take Chinese territories.

2. Diaoyu Islands stand out as a pivotal situation; both Presidents must deal with the crisis instigated by the Japanese ultra right-wing movement carefully and smartly. Any miss-step could cause not only the loss of Diaoyu Islands also intensifies the looming territorial disputes in South China; more territorial losses may occur.

3. Calls to President Ma to be more flexible to accommodate President Hu’s options in dealing with a belligerent Japan. Chinese people and the history will not forgive President Ma if he fails to act timely and decisively.

4. Calls to President Hu to take immediate actions to sanction trades and commercial interactions with Japan as the punishment for its planned “nationalization” of our Diaoyu Islands. Total nine points are laid out to President Hu that China must push hard for political reform, to eliminate corruption through legislation and system transparency, to promote quantum quality improvement of Chinese goods and services, to accelerate the elevation of labor-intensive industrial production base to much higher value added industries and enterprises, to improve Chinese citizens’ conducts and behaviors by bringing back traditional teachings of human values and virtues.

5. Oversea Chinese will not stop calling until the two Presidents start hearing us and act accordingly.



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