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Stop Osmanagich NOW! - Zaustavimo Osmanagica SADA!

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367 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Say NO to Masonic Bosnia! Local warlords are undertaking an unprecedented con in the town of Visoko near Sarajevo, Bosnia. In doing so, they are endangering numerous archaeological sites dated back to Neolith as well as some of the possible first traces of human race in Europe. The unprecedented, uncritical media coverage of this event, provided primarily by government-ran media such as BBC, CBC, Reuters and Fox, serves the purpose of diverging the Bosnian public\'s attention to making bogus \"world history\" instead of focusing on the current critical events (B-H Constitution - April 25; Hague trial - closing May 9; Montenegro independence - referendum May 15; Kosovo independence - negotiations ongoing). See more on this on our English Web site: http://peticija.white.prohosting.com/eng.htm . No domestic or foreign scientist supports the existence of the \"pyramids\". According to the independent polls by IFIMES institute, two thirds of Bosnians are firmly against the imposed Constitution. Catholic Church and His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI himself are strongly against, as well. The domestic informal group includes corrupted wartime politicians, some of which advise to the Bosnia


Prepared by a group of independent intellectuals who met on www.Sarajevo-X.com forum \"Bosanska piramida Sunca\". http://peticija.white.prohosting.com/


http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c140/yeus/001s.jpg (the \"Indiana Jones\" eye-balling archaeology; note the wrecked grave slabs) http://peticija.white.prohosting.com (petition sponsors - in Bosnian) http://peticija.white.prohosting.com/eng.htm (petition sponsors - in English) http://www.piramidasunca.ba (the official Web Site of the Foundation) http://www.bosnianpyramid.com (Osmanagich\'s amusement park started with one \"pyramid\" in October 2005, but due to \"problems\" with remote sensing images revealing too many thermal anomalies (often a summit will show up as an anomaly simply due to a high mass-area ratio), the number grew to 5 - for now - but we bet there are at least 1500 pieces throughout Bosnia ;-) http://www.alternativnahistorija.com (Osmanagich\'s \"Alternative History\" booklets that, as he claims, change entire science and history of the human kind. An excerpt in English: \"...For 11,500 years ago earth was passing trough a painful period. Great civilizations of Atlantis and Mu (Lemuria), which have been living in peace for over 20,000 years have started a war. The hate and war-destruction were present everywhere. Soon, the oceans will boil in blood, caused by weapons of mass-destruction. The long-lasting peace will become only a vague memory, and history will destroy all the traces of two powerful civilizations. Far away in Space, in Pleiades constellation, the spiritual leaders were watching and listening about troubles that caught their young brothers on Earth. The high developed Pleiadean senses (spirits) moved easily through time and space...\") http://www.gorgiaspress.com/bookshop/showcategory.aspxcategoryid=61&resetfilter=true (the only booklet Osmanagich published in the US was a travelogue from a \"thought provoking\" edition of an obscure publisher accepting online submissions) http://www.metcompany.net (Osmanagich\'s real profession - he is a construction contractor, who filed a mere $7000 tax income for the entire 2005!) http://www.sarajevo-x.com/forum/viewtopic.phpt=20137 (Bosnia\'s popular discussion forum on the project)
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