Gianluigi Tamburini 0

All the porn to be collected from the internet in a single search engine.

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Gianluigi Tamburini 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
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My childhood has been violated by a porn magazine found on the ground with my brother in the country. I'm sure if it wouldn't happened, in my life woulnd't be so many disasters. I believe that our children need to be protected in their innocence, and to guarantee them a faithful and lasting marriage, prevents the prevailing porn pushing everyone to have to think more to sex and selfishness than to the Pure Love and to the neighbor. We can make a petition to the UN to approve a rule of conduct for all Countries which wish to protect their children, forcing them to create a specific search engine controlled by the police, to which you can subscribe only with a document that proves the age of majority. I made all the possible experiments, and I concluded that there isn't still a valid system to protect my daughter from pornography if she will surf in internet. If you also want to protect yourself and to protect your children from porn on the internet, then sign up with us, and God will bless you



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