Tony butler 0

No Homework Everywhere!

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Tony butler 0 Comments
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Homework is for caching up there past work that the student will have to accomplish since they did not Complete it. For that kid’s don’t like homework because there tired of it or like to go outside with there friends since Homework is much, MUCH less better then hanging out with your friends (Obviously). Students have less interruption to relax when troubled with homework. Students need to play and chill out to refresh their minds and bodies. It takes away from a child's “family time”. ‘Family time” is important to a growing child. Without time spent as a family part, especially for the elementary and middle school age, the family becomes fragmented on how they relate to each other. Without “family time”, social problems can gather up and the family unit can be losing lack of time spent together. Children need to play outside for at least an hour after the school day. They should be at the point where they are almost sweating. Dinner with your family every night or at least 4 times a week. This is shown to decrease eating disorders in females, decrease smoking and drug abuse rates in males and recent research suggests it teaches life-long good eating habits—more fruits and vegetables. Early to bed. Research suggests that children need 10-12 hours of sleep a day to be ready to learn. Limited television, video games and computer time, especially an hour before bed. I really hope that you would agree with all these Facts. Thank you!

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