Jason Skeens 0

Reinstate Nasa's Space Program

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To: President Obama and Congress

 People across America know it to be true: The decision by the President to end NASA's space program is not only costing America 10,000 jobs, but is also giving other countries an advantage over the U.S., in terms of future control of the skies as a National Security comcern and as a future economic concern.

 America is known for being the leader in innovation, but now it seems that congress and the President wants us to take a back seat while the rest of the world continues to grow and expand. It’s not about Republican or Democrat. It’s about being competitive with Russia, China, and India.

 As a concerned citizen, outraged by this decision, I believe that congress has a responsibility to not be undermined by those who seek to end our progress in an ever growing and ever changing world.


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