Suttiwit Sukpinit 0


Suttiwit Sukpinit 0 Comments
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To Linux distributions, this has to be considered hardly: Have a look at the world, most people are using IPv4 and what did you do? You started to upgrade the mirrors, repositories, etc. to IPv6! I use IPv4 and most people using IPv4 can't access the repositories needed to download things from packages, here is how to solve this: 1. Go back, get this IPv6 off the repositories you have hosted and what is left over is IPv4 repositories. 2. Now, leave the IPv4 repositories and clone the repositories and make the cloned IPv6! 3. As there are 2 repositories, from the version of your distribution you are creating on, create a small module to detect every time you start your PC to check if you are on an IPv4 or IPv6 connection. If on an IPv4 connection, configure the repositories to the IPv4 repositories in the background, If on IPv6 connection, configure the repositories to the IPv6 repositories in the background. Just that! Isn't it simple? and simple for other Linux users, this will surely make lots of people coming to Linux.

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