Heather Blackwell 0

Lincolnton, North Carolina Bowling

Show your support by signing this petition now
Heather Blackwell 0 Comments
4 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We would like to petition to have a bowling center opened in Lincolnton, North Carolina. There is no such entertainment facility in Lincolnton. Families and teens must travel over twenty miles to enjoy this sport. There are several vacant shopping centers in town that could be converted for this purpose. There is the potential for many Church, school and businesses to use this facility for league bowling and special outings. The vacant Walmart building has a huge parking lot and the store is large enough for a food court and event rooms and possibly a skating rink or arcade to attract the local youth. Please sign today and make your request known. Make a difference today and bring wholesome family entertainment to Lincolnton. Thank you. No information will be given to third parties or used for any other purpose other than information for potential business potential.

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