Mark Krise Florida 0

Lift Ban on Filming in Halloween Horror Nights Haunted Houses

Mark Krise Florida 0 Comments
6 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Since the reveal of Halloween Horror Nights 25 it's come to concern that after previous attempts to film inside of the houses have failed and Universal Orlando allowing only media outlets to record certain house it has come time to drop the restriction of not allowing people from filming inside of the houses. Universal Studios Hollywood has allowed filming inside of their haunted houses for a great while without having to ask permission from them to filming in their haunted houses.

Universal Orlando has been stringent and has came up with excuses like they won't allow people to film because of licensing issues but in reality it's a bogus excuse cause both Universal Orlando & Universal Hollywood usually have the same IPs at their parks and are similar in design and Hollywood still allows filming. So what this petition insures is that Universal Orlando will drop it's ban on filming inside of the houses starting with Halloween Horror Nights 25 and future Halloween Horror Nights events forward.

This will not only allow people who can't afford to go to the event a chance to see the house vicariously, If record the house would be viewed anytime after the event is over with, & lastly it could increase the ticket sales of the event for those who want to experience the event themselves. It would be a win-win situation for all those involved.

Now I'm taking this from experience which happened during HHN24 when Universal Orlando denied a group of Youtuber's including myself from doing a "YouTube Meet-up" in which during HHN23 would allow the YouTubers to record inside of the houses. But what Universal Orlando did during HHN24 was completely unacceptable. They allowed media outlets including select YouTuber's that make a business out of their content allowed them to film inside of the houses.

This special treatment did not sit on many peoples stomachs very well when the saw the footage of the houses so this petition is meant to end this special treatment and to make it a general ruling that anyone can be allowed to film. Now not to stomp on Universal's per-existing rules on certain aspects I would still not allow Flash Photography of any kind since the houses are dark when you go inside and we don't want to blind the actors but what I want allowed is Still non-flash Photography but also video-recording of all kinds expect for having a light on the camera. But regular, Infrared & Night vision recording should be allowed.

Hopefully we can get this to the front of Universal Orlando and make them aware that if one park can allow filming then all parks in the United States should allow filming inside the houses of Halloween Horror Nights. Let's end this ban immediatly.

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