Rose Grace 0

Legalising Same Sex Marriage In Australia

6 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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6 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Imagine not being able to marry the one you love. Not being able to share the sacred moment of marriage because of laws, which say that same sex marriages aren’t legal. Due to The Marriage Act 1961, section 88EA states that

Certain unions are not marriages

A union solemnised in a foreign country between:

(a) a man and another man; or

(b) a woman and another woman;

must not be recognised as a marriage in Australia.

So even if you were to go to a country, which has legalized same sex marriage, and then come back to Australia your marriage would not be recognised.

Subsection 5 (1) states that:


marriage means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

This is 2015 so why are we still going by laws made in 1961 when everything has evolved. We got coloured TV in the 1960’s which was popular. We have advanced technology and more cures for different types of medical needs. Our world has evolved for many demands from the growing public but when it comes to whom we are allowed to love, same sex people are shoved to the corner like they are different to everyone else. Different and discriminated against because of who they love, who they want to spend the rest of their life with and who they want to share special moments with.

Tony Abbott said, “We do not discriminate against minority groups. We never want minority groups to feel like they are strangers in their own country…” yet you wont give same sex people, minority groups, their right to have a life and a right which everyone but they do because of laws preventing them from being happy and being able to marry. You want people to live like robots from customs, which have been traditional, until now. Our world is changing and our needs are changing so why not pass laws to let everyone be able to marry. What if you were in this situation? Why worry about what people are doing and if its right or not? Its their life so let them live it!

If YOU believe legalising same sex marriage should happen then please sign this petition please and thankyou. Please share if you want to :)

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