Matt Redmond 0

Lebron traded to One Man Wolf Pack

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Matt Redmond 0 Comments
3 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In an effort to answer Lebron James in his ad campaign with Nike asking "What should I do?," we, the members of One Man Wolf Pack invite Lebron James to come play World of Warcraft and the latest expansion pack, Cataclysm, with us. If he were to start playing, he would immediately be given guild leader status as well as any help he needs in leveling or gearing up. We are One Man Wolf Pack and we are on the Nazjatar US Server. Mr. James, this IS what you should do. Please sign our petition and pass it along. You know you want to see Lebron take his all-star level skills over to WoW and show us all how it's done.

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