Cassandra Battaglia 0

Overturning the New School Nutritional Standards

9 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Cassandra Battaglia 0 Comments
9 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

New Nutritional Standards being enforced in our school and schools around the country are truly serving the most undesirable and unappetizing foods. What we, as children eat at lunch is NOT what is causing the childhood obesity epidemic. My belief is kids are heavy because of the junk they eat for breakfast and fast foods their given for dinner. The bagel bag and cookie or pizza and pretzel I used to eat for lunch satisfied me, was good and got me through the day. My Mom cooks a well balanced meal every night for dinner and I eat a healthy breakfast every morning before school. I'm not overweight at all and I used to buy lunch 1 or 2x a week as a treat. Now I can't even do that. What kid wants "hummus, grapes and a whole wheat pita" or "whole wheat pizza" for lunch. NOT ME!!!! If you agree that the new nutritional standards should be overturned and we should be given back our "Domino's Friday, Bagel Bags and Chicken Nuggets" then please sign below: Let's get our voices heard at the FEDERAL level.

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