The TechnoToast 0

Keep YouTube Public

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YouTube is a great video sharing site that gives people the freedom to upload many kinds of videos, make friends, chat and comment on people's videos, and much more. However over the last few years YouTube is becoming, according to many, insufferable and less public-oriented. Google have begun making decisions and updating YouTube regardless of people's reactions, outcries or criticisms. And a few days ago, around 8 months after Google last updated YouTube with a controversial, uneditable channel update, Google have updated YouTube again - - with a new interface that is extremely difficult to use, and has lost many of the easily viewable links that took you to your channel, subscriptions, inbox, etc. My proposal is this: YouTube should be telling us whether we would like to update - and should listen to feedback. YouTube should always make decisions in public - and allow us to opt-out of updates we wouldn't like to recieve - forever. If I reach the target of 500,000 signatures, I will contact Google requesting that: YouTube should let us know of an update as opposed to just updating; YouTube should listen to forums, and perhaps suggest a solution to a problem; YouTube should allow us to opt out of any unwanted or hard-to-use updates for an unlimited time. I will list that half a million YouTube users agree with the above.

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