Rosine Ghawji 0

Remove Judge Donna Fields from the bench.

222 signers. Add your name now!
Rosine Ghawji 0 Comments
222 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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After hearing the testimony of abused women in August 2007 and April 2008 in front of the Children and family affairs committee, House Representative MIKE TURNER offered to discuss the process of impeaching judges from the bench. Judge Fields is not respecting Tennessee laws but it sounds like she started practicing SHARIA LAW On Feb 12. 07, she gave full custody to a self proclaimed Wahabi father, forcing two teen-agers to follow Islam and allowed the father to take them to Pilgrimage against the will of the children. She refused to admit the testimony and proofs presented by the mother and threatened to put the mother in jail if she was mentioning terrorism link to the children She took the children in chambers and threatened them to put them with their mother in a mental hospital if they refused to go with their father. She also told them that they would be in the alley if they don\'t want to go with their father. And she made sure that those promises would come true. She threw the mother and the boys out of the house. She allowed only one year of alimony to the mother after almost 20 years of marriage and in order to have the lowest child support, she put an IMAGINARY income to the mother of $6000 dollars a month. (The mother has not been working for 20 years, and the husband is a prominent doctor) and reduced again the child support without a proper hearing. Please look at the links Judge Fields had to recuse herself from 3 others cases. Judge Donna M. Fields, Shelby County Circuit Court, Division Seven, needs to be removed from judicial office for the following reasons: 1) She repeatedly engages in ex parte conversations with court appointed psychologists regarding substantive issues in divorce cases in violation of judicial ethics. 2) She fails to follow Tennessee law and Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure. 3) She fails to provide due process for litigants and issues orders without notice and an opportunity to be heard. 4) She retaliated against the women who testified in front of the legislature refusing many times to recuse herself from their cases 5) If she is not removed from office, she will continue to deny Tennessee citizens their right to due process and fair and impartial hearings. We beg all members democrats and republicans of the House of Representatives and the Senate to support Representative Mike Turner in his initiative and we ask the legislature to act swiftly in order to protect the abused women and children in the state of Tennessee in the hands of Judge Donna Fields.


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