Evelyn Reinoso 0


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I, _______________________________OF______________________________

Am a____________________________of THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA

And resident of THE STATE OF_________________________

I write this letter in affirmative support for Clemency and Early Release from federal prison of Roberto E. Pulido. He was convicted in 2007 as a first time non-violent drug offender in a police corruption undercover operation. Roberto E. Pulido pled guilty based on advice from poor counsel, and was therefore sentenced to twenty-six years in Federal Prison. It is my firm belief under the circumstances of this particular and unusual case, that a prison sentence of twenty-six years for a non-violent, first-time offender is cruel, unusual, and just wrong. It is my sincere hope and prayer that Roberto E. Pulido will be granted a sentence commutation and early release from prison, and given a second chance in society and with his family.  

I firmly support Roberto E. Pulido`s sentence commutation and early release from Federal Prison.


                                                                                                    Respectfully yours,


God Bless You. 

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