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EARTH COM an original Sci-Fi series on TV

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If the below first ten pages of Earth Com interests you… Please sign so when I pitch it again, I can let the studios know there is an interest. Log line: Political subterfuge, covert operations and alien alliances, it will take more than humanity to piece our history together. "Divided We Fall" ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. SPACE Stars blanket the dark b.g. The distant sun peaks over the planet Saturn. Suddenly, a BURST OF LIGHT. A PORTAL OPENS - a sleek aerodynamic craft speeds out. Engines stop. The craft glides forward. It is a Huvire SCOUT FIGHTER. INT. SCOUT FIGHTER COCKPIT The SOUND of heavy breathing. A clawed hand works a futuristic console. ON VIEW SCREEN. A SCHEMATIC of a military space station, the Gomorrah. EXT. SPACE - ASTEROID BELT - CERES Ahead. A metallic multi-level space station orbits the dwarf planet Ceres. The GOMORRAH. It is military design. SUPER: Ceres, Space Station Gomorrah, 2180 A.D. The Scout Fighter glides towards the station. A spherical drone known as a TRACKER enters. Follows. INT. GOMORRAH - CAPTAIN'S OFFICE A woman, mid-30's works a monitor. She wears a military uniform. Captain's bars on her lapel. Her name tag READS: CAPT. TINA PARK. ON MONITOR. LAURIE GINZLER. (Details about Ginzler). An alert SOUNDS. BACK TO SCENE - ON CAPT. PARK Turns OFF the monitor. Exits. INT. GOMORRAH - CONTROL The hub of the space station. Military personnel work at consoles. TO THE FRONT. Multiple SCREENS display GRAPHS. CHARTS. PLANETS. SOLAR SYSTEMS. At Tactical. Monitors and radar scopes are mounted above the console. LT. CARRIE DIXON, 20's works along side Lt. CHAD PERALTA, 20's. Capt. Park enters. Takes her post at the central console. PARK Report. PERALTA Sensors have detected an ionic distortion, Captain. Sector six. Tracker has engaged. DIXON (works; off monitor) There are no scheduled transports. (to Peralta) Faction? PERALTA The Faction does not have the capability to port this far out into space. (works) Attempting to establish a link... (reads monitor; frustrated) Radiation from Jericho's canopy is interfering with our S A R systems. At COMMUNICATIONS. A COM OFFICER works. COM OFFICER No response to our hails. An alert SOUNDS. Lt. Dixon. Off radar scope -- DIXON (works) A second ionic distortion has been detected. PARK (with authority) Level 2 alert. STROBES ACTIVATE. PARK (CONT'D) (with urgency) Status, Lieutenant Peralta! A still frustrated Lt. Peralta works. Beat. LINK ESTABLISHED. PERALTA All right. Let's see what we have. ON MONITOR. The Scout Fighter's AVATAR. Narrative READS: HUVIRE SCOUT FIGHTER. BACK TO SCENE - ON A BEWILDERED LT. PERALTA PERALTA (CONT'D) It's a Huvire scout fighter, Captain. PARK (under her breath) Why would they violate the treaty? (to All) Red Alert! Man battle-stations! RED STROBES FLASH. EXT. SPACE - GOMORRAH - HULL Large ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS - SWING INTO ACTION. OPENS FIRE. As the Scout Fighter races past. Tracker follows, takes a direct hit. EXPLODES. A second Scout Fighter enters from the f.g., Huvire SCOUT FIGHTER #2. Weapon systems OPEN. It dodges WEAPON FIRE as it races towards the Gomorrah. FIRES. A SINGLE TORPEDO SPEEDS AHEAD. The torpedo impacts the GOMORRAH'S HULL. Does not explode. A CRACKLING SOUND. ELECTRICAL FINGERS SPRAWL ACROSS THE STATION. The Station goes DARK. INT. GOMORRAH - CONTROL The room is lit by emergency LIGHTING. All monitors, consoles and systems are dark. All look to one another. What the hell just happened? PARK Initiate damage control. The ENGINEER OFFICER works. ENGINEER OFFICER We lost power to decks 1 through 5. Rerouting emergency backup to critical systems. PARK Damn it... (huffs; to Peralta) Can we get a tracker in the air? Emergency consoles LIGHT-UP. PERALTA Weapons and tracking systems are offline, Captain. My best guess is we were hit by some kind of electrical disruption device. DIXON Shields are holding at 85 percent. (works) Correction. Now at 70 percent. PARK (to Com Officer; urgent) Command central! Online! The Com Officer works. Nothing. Shakes her head. INT. GOMORRAH - CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - MINUTES LATER ON THE DESK. Capt. Park's COMPUTER MONITOR TURNS ON. DATA DOWNLOADS. INT. GOMORRAH - TACTICAL BRIDGE All monitors, consoles and systems POWER UP. DIXON (works; to Park) Shields are at 100 percent. PERALTA Weapons and tracking systems are online. (looks to radar scope) Scouts are on scope, Captain. PARK There testing us. (considers; beat) Lieutenant Peralta. Let's show them what we got. Activate the rail. EXT. SPACE - GOMORRAH Scout Fighter #1 and #2 sit motionless. It is as if they are taunting them. The Space Station in the b.g. GOMORRAH'S UPPER HULL. Launch tube DOORS OPEN. A TRACKER tumbles out, stabilizes. Speeds away. LOWER HULL. A RAIL CANNON sets into position. OPENS FIRE. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. Scout Fighter #2 is hit. EXPLODES. Scout Fighter #1 speeds away. The Tracker follows. EXT. SPACE Scout Fighter #1 races towards an OPEN PORTAL. The Tracker paces close behind. Scout Fighter #1 enters. PORTAL CLOSES before the Tracker can enter. INT. GOMORRAH - PORT LAB Military Soldiers stand. A FEMALE SERGEANT works a console. FEMALE SERGEANT Incoming port. PLATFORM. A BURST OF LIGHT. A man sized PORTAL OPENS. JOHN ALLMAN, 40's, steps out. Ruggedly handsome. Well dressed. Followed by a KEEPER. An agent of the Council. Mysterious. An assassin of sorts. On his forearm, a TATTOO. The mark of a Keeper. INT. GOMORRAH - WARDROOM The room's interior design is royal looking. An Earth Communications flag in the b.g. Capt. Park addresses a five star general, JOSEPH KATZ, mid 60's and high ranking OFFICERS sitting at a conference table. PARK The Huvire used a device similar to an E M P. A diversion. The Huvire were successful tapping into the Gomorrah's mainframe. Downloading records of future military cryogenic candidates from Earth's West and East Coalitions. (off concerned looks) The Tracker was able to momentarily link to the Scout's navigational system before it ported. TABLE CENTER. She points to a HOLOGRAPHIC GLOBE. A line divides the Earth's continents into two Coalitions. The West and the East. Each continent is divided into numbered Quadrants. PARK (CONT'D) We narrowed it down to the West Coalition. Quadrants 13, 24 and 27. East Coalition. Quadrants 8, 36 and 44. JOHN (O.S.) It seems they are closer than we thought. ALL look uneasy as John steps in followed by the Keeper. They take their seats. JOHN (CONT'D) The Huvire have allied with a rogue Andlawrdian sect. (with certainty) They will ally with the Faction. Organize a new movement on Earth. GENERAL KATZ Then we have a serious problem, Mr. Allman. JOHN That is why the vessel will be moved to the colony. ALL nod in agreement. COLONEL #1 It was only a matter of time. Their kind cannot be trusted. KEEPER The Andlawrdian government have denied involvement, Colonel. They have agreed to work with Ambassador Ebberette. Implement any security measures deemed necessary. GENERAL KATZ I suggest that we increase the military's jurisdiction. JOHN Support for the Faction movement is growing throughout both Coalitions. That would only feed into their propaganda. Beat. PARK What if the Faction were to choose a side? Ally with a Coalition? ALL look to her. Brilliant! EXT. EARTH - OCELUS OUTPOST - DAY It is a post NUCLEAR WINTER. Red-tone sky. A desert environment. A 21st century CITY in ruins in the b.g. SUPER: Ocelus Military Outpost, West Coalition A control TOWER is set center of two RUNWAYS. INT. OCELUS - OFFICER'S QUARTERS It is simple. A wall locker. Bed. Desk. Lt. JAMES ALLMAN, 22, dresses. Good build. Handsome. MALE OFFICER (O.S.) Lieutenant Allman. AT THE DOORWAY. A MALE OFFICER MALE OFFICER (CONT'D) (urgent) Ready room. Five minutes. INT. OCELUS - READY ROOM - DAY This room is used to brief pilots. Stadium seating. Podium set up-front. James and several PILOTS are seated. All look to a TANK CREW dressed in battle gear, entering. FEMALE PILOT Any reason why the cannon cockers are here? James looks as confused as she is. Lt. BRANDON JEFFERSON, 22, dressed in battle gear, enters. Muscular. Very handsome. JAMES (to Brandon) Hey. Any idea on what's going on? BRANDON No. The Commander of the Air Group, the CAG, enters. CAG All right. Let's get started. Takes the podium. He activates a screen. ON SCREEN. A map showing the division lines between the West and East Continental Coalitions. CAG (CONT'D) Looks like the East Coalition has gotten into bed with the Faction, Ladies and Gentlemen. We believe they have successfully developed a technologically advanced and superior fighter. All react. ON SCREEN. Region 3. Quadrant 13. CAG (CONT'D) Our Intel suggests they have targeted Quadrant 13 for a test run. JAMES Has a threat level been assessed? CAG We believe they may be planning to permanently halt the construction of City Zone 2. Sending a message to the rest of the Coalition. BRANDON That's going to take a lot of fire power, Sir. What kind of weaponry are we talking about? CAG That's the problem. Don't know for sure. And that is why ladies and gentlemen, two twelve hour watches. So that means two rotations. (to Brandon) Air artillery will support both Noden and Nordic. BRANDON We're there, Sir. Tanker crew shout. Whoorah. CAG (to Female Pilot) Nordic will take the first watch. INT. OCELUS - MOTOR POOL - DAY Wheeled and tracked vehicles are parked in the bay. M6 BRADLEY LINEBACKER Brandon supervises. Crew Members mounts two GAU-17/A Mini guns. FIM-92 stinger missiles are loaded into the TOW System. James enters, meets Brandon. BRANDON (grins) Now you get to see how the big boys play, Lieutenant. James feigns a smile. BRANDON (CONT'D) I know that look. (reassures) Listen. You're the best damn fighter pilot we have, James. James is not reassured. BRANDON (CONT'D) Tell you what. You just focus keeping that bird in the air. (re: missiles) We'll do the rest, my friend. James chuckles. BRANDON (CONT'D) We're still on for the weekend, right? JAMES Yeah. Rebecca's really looking forward to seeing Lilly. Maybe helping with the wedding will lift her spirits. BRANDON How's she doing? JAMES You know. She has her ups. Downs. A horn SOUNDS. Strobes FLASH. BRANDON Looks like it's go time. OFF All shouting "Whoorah" -- INT. OCELUS - NODEN BAY - DAY It is a small bay. Only a handful of A17 MILITARY FIGHTERS are parked. A Crew moves TWO Fighters onto a platform. Check the M61 VULCAN GUNS mounted under each wing. James and the Male Pilot enter their fighters. Engines IGNITE. Canopy CLOSES. Helmets on, THUMBS UP. A Crew Member motions, clear. The platform LIFTS. EXT. OCELUS - RUNWAY - DAY The platform RISES. The A17's are set into position. Engines IGNITE. GWEN (V.O.) Noden. This is Control. Runway's set. You are clear for takeoff. The Fighters POWER DOWN THE RUNWAY. LIFT OFF. EXT. OCELUS - LARGE BERM - DAY Blast DOORS OPEN. The M6 LINEBACKER rolls out. EXT. AIRSPACE - DAY A17 #1, MALE PILOT and A17 #2, James fighter, speed past. INT. A17 #2 - COCKPIT JAMES works the console. JAMES Noden 1, Noden 2. Transponder is set. MALE PILOT (V.O.) Copy, Noden 2. Scope is clear. Keep your eyes peeled. EXT. AIRSPACE - DAY A BURST OF LIGHT. PORTAL OPENS. A Huvire SCOUT FIGHTER speeds out. Comes up from behind and paces the A17's. JAMES (V.O.) Noden 1. Bogie on scope. At our six. The Scout Fighter suddenly speeds past. INT. A17 #2 - COCKPIT SCOPE. READS: March 3.5. JAMES Damn that thing's quick! (beat) Control. Noden 2. Requesting tracker in the air. GWEN (V.O.) Copy Noden 2. Releasing tracker. (beat) Tracker in the air. EXT. AIRSPACE - DAY A TRACKER paces the Scout Fighter. GWEN (V.O. Noden 2. Control. Tracker has engaged. A17 #1 enters. Follows. INT. A17 #1 - COCKPIT SCOPE. Scout Fighter's AVATAR. Distance. Speed. Calculated. CROSS-HAIRS over a Avatar. MALE PILOT Switching to manual. (works) Bogie locked. Weapons engaged. CANOPY PERIPHERAL - Tracker breaks left O.S. The Scout Fighter. An open target. EXT. AIRSPACE - DAY A17 #1 paces the Scout Fighter. OPENS FIRE. (Over 6000 rounds per minute). The rounds bounce off the Scout Fighter. No effect. MALE PILOT (V.O.) Control, Noden 1. We have a serious problem out here! The Scout Fighter speeds ahead. The Tracker swoops in. Paces.


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