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Consecration Of The USA To Our Lady of Guadalupe

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Petition to His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago President of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Archdiocese of Chicago From Catholic Citizens of the United States of America We Request a Consecration of the United States of America to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe "For I am truly your compassionate Mother: your Mother and the Mother to all who dwell in this land and to all other nations and peoples who love me and call and entreat me. I am the Mother of all who seek me and place their trust in me." ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe Your Eminence, Canon 212, subsections 2 and 3, provides for Catholics the liberty to make known their needs, especially their spiritual needs, and their wishes to the Pastors of the Church. In addition, it affords them the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. We, the undersigned Catholics of the United States of America, respectfully request Your Eminence to consecrate our beloved country to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her glorious title of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. As Catholic citizens of this great country which our Heavenly Father has deigned to richly bless, our concern for our spiritual welfare has increased dramatically since President Barack Obama has taken office and rapidly begun to foist upon our nation, with the assistance of numerous anti-Catholic politicians, a virulent Culture of Death and perverse agenda which, if not rapidly defeated, will destroy our nation. No citizen can be assured of God-given liberties in a nation which so aggressively legislates in favor of death and perverse lifestyles. During his first one hundred days in office, President Barack Obama has "fulfilled ten of fifteen agenda items outlined in a December report from over 50 abortion-rights organizations submitted to the Obama-Biden transition team" (Susan B. Anthony List): Reverse pro-life Mexico City Policy - Restore funding to UNFPA - Increase Title X Funding (Planned Parenthood Funding Stream) to $700M - Rescinding Conscience Protections for Medical Providers - Strike Abortion Budgetary Restrictions - Provide $1B for International Family Planning - Select Pro-Abortion Judicial Nominees - Choose Pro-Abortion Federal Appointees - Review Policies that Restrict Access to Emergency Contraception - Reduce Cost of Birth Control at College Health Centers In addition to these aforementioned actions which are rabid attacks against Holy Mother Church, Her faithful shepherds and laity, the Hate Crimes Acts (S. 909) is set for a vote. If it passes, Catholics will be severely hindered from sharing pro-life information in public and, thus, saving babies from abortion; pro-lifers may especially be at risk of arrest and censorship under such "hate crimes" provisions, making these bills a serious threat to freedom of speech. It is multi-faceted and will result in persecution of Catholics who endeavor to uphold their Faith and Morals in a public forum. Catholics are experiencing systematic silencing as they witness President Barack Obama's intentions for our nation, including the penetration of Catholic institutions. At this most critical period in our nation's history we look to you, Your Eminence, as our shepherd to utilize your God-given authority to call down upon our nation the powerful aid of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, that she may grant us an abundance of graces to defend our Catholic Faith in this present battle with the powers of darkness, even to our death if necessary; and if it be the will of God, mitigate incidences of persecution which will surely befall us if the current Administration is not promptly halted from proceeding full force with its perverse and deadly agenda. As Catholics continue to accomplish everything in their human power to avert morally destructive legislation, they recognize that our nation's deep spiritual crisis has reached a level beyond their human abilities alone to fully correct. We, therefore, entreat you to lay our petition before the feet of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Confident as we are in the illustrious history of Our Lady's maternal protection of her devoted ones in times of dire need, we seek her graces through your act of Consecration. As a token of our immense gratitude for your courageous pastoral leadership in this regard, we shall offer you during the current montha spiritual bouquet of all our Masses, Rosaries, and sacrifices. "Know for certain that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God...I am your merciful Mother, the Mother of all those who have confidence in me.... Listen and let it penetrate into your heart.... Do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother Are you not under my shadow and protection Am I not your fountain of life Are you not in the folds of my mantle In the crossing of my arms What else do you need" ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe


Catholic Citizens of the United States of America


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