Ash =/ 0

Faceparty VS Facewhore

624 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
624 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Recently, the popular profile site Faceparty [] has threatened to sue smaller site Facewhore [] over the use of the word \"Face\" in their name. While the sites may be based on the same idea, they are very very different. Facewhore allows it\'s users to do things for free which you have to pay for on Faceparty, and Facewhore allows you to answer your own questions rather than the set ones. Obviously Faceparty cannot handle the competition, and wants Facewhore to be shut down. Sign here to show your support for Facewhore. ::If you want to see who has signed this petition, go to my facewhore --->xevilxfairyx::

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