Chris Cunningham 0

eBay: PLEASE Reverse the New 30% Minimum Price Difference Between the Opening Bid and the "Buy it Now" Price!!

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The recent change in the minimum price difference between the opening bid and the "Buy it Now" (BIN) price needs to be reversed back down to 10%. This new policy is hurting both the seller AND the buyer. Most sellers / buyers DO NOT have the time to sit around and WAIT to have a bidding war with some sneaky bidder equipped with a last-second bid-sniping piece of software. If one wants to BIN, they most certainly don't want to pay "out the nose" for it!! As a seller, I don't want my buyers being forced to wait or possibly "fight" with an automated bidding script to buy an item I've listed. The entire reason anyone in their right minds would opt for the BIN option is to give their customers a chance to skip the drawn-out auction approach in favor of a quick sale for a reasonable price. With this 20% hike to 30% in the minimum price difference, sellers are forced to either: 1.) List their item for far less than it's worth to get a potential bidder to even look at the listing, let alone bid / buy it... or: 2.) List their BIN price so incredibly high that only someone who is terribly desperate would even think of taking the BIN option to purchase said item, getting "ripped off" (relatively speaking) in the process. EBAY: PLEASE RETRACT THIS RIDICULOUS CHANGE IN POLICY!! The 30% minimum price difference is helping NO ONE and hurting EVERYONE (except for perhaps the eBay corporate shareholders' pocket books -- in some unfathomable way??) And please, spare us the "We're only doing this for the community's 'common good' song and dance". Since this minimum price difference increase, I've had nothing but unsold item after unsold item.. when before I had no problems picking up BIN sale after BIN sale. I remember when the minimum difference was under 10%.. and when it was bumped up to 10%.. feeling the pain and frustration. -- but this is just utter nonsense, and it needs to STOP. EVERYONE: Let our voices be heard!! Let's not lay down and take this "new exciting policy change" abuse any longer!


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