Ricardo Mohammed 0

Devant Must GO!

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NO ONE ELECTED DEVANT. Let the Government know we will not tolerate Devant remaining in parliament. A judge found Devant's alleged statements to be worthy of him being CHARGED! His alleged statements were: “All Muslims in Pakistan and other countries should be executed even if it meant wiping out whole nations and the rest of them should then move to Saudi Arabia.” “Chechens were Muslims and all Muslims were terrorists who should be wiped out.” “Pakistan should be wiped out since they had been fighting with ‘them’ for over 1000 years.” Those statements are IGNORANT and HATEFUL. They are not the statements A MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT should make against a section of the population. A Minister of Parliament represents EVERYONE not the small group he belongs to! Let us stand up against the Devant, and let him know we not taking dat! Sign and spread the petition. It is time we stand up against men like Devant. Make him an example to all politicians!

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