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Declaration of Abundance

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~DECLARATION OF ABUNDANCE~ There comes a time in the course of human events when the people must take a stand and decide to alter the way they have been led and chart a new course of triumph and victory over tyranny. Several times throughout the course of history, the events which led to the unveiling of the tyrannical truth could be accepted no longer, as the path to a world right with God and the human spirit ever determined to seek freedom. That very freedom is what is now at stake – yet it is not outside oppression that we must master so much as freedom from our own self-imposed limitations brought forward by decades, generations, and centuries of beliefs that have led us to this penultimate decision. That decision before us now is whether to move forward to the next level of human possibility, or to instead ignore the trumpets of an abundant consciousness manifested in the reality of so many lives beckoning the call of change, a beautiful and possible change for humanity’s course in the next writing of its history. Let us declare that abundance shall be the new reality. Let us all take a stand now to not partake in decisions of lack and to move out of a consciousness that breeds despair and loss of hope. For the human spirit desires growth, and despite all disasters and challenges we have been met with along the way, we as a people continue to move the world forward toward greater freedom, greater growth, and greater understanding of the sanctity and power of the spirit that resides within each of us. The change must occur most importantly within each and every one of us, but also be pervasive enough to bring profound change to our institutions of government that have so long been the breeding ground of the insidious nature of the tyranny of lack. Let us throw off these chains that come not from God, but from our own human limitations and adopt the reality that the world before us is full of abundance, and by the power of the human race in reliance upon our Creator, it shall be revealed. In so doing, we hereby adopt these tenets: 1. No period of economic unrest and turmoil shall cause us to believe less exists for all. We hereby determine to find the means to shift ‘what is’ toward ‘what can be’ so that the light along the path to prosperity becomes visible to those temporarily shadowed by its darkness. 2. We adhere to the principle of growth, and in all decisions seek to find solutions for the benefit of humankind that are consistent with the growth of the human spirit, and retreat from decisions that promote oppression. 3. We each commit to understanding the abundance in our own lives and to taking action to consistently share the blessings of our abundance with others whose lives may be enriched by our efforts and our attention. And we commit to approaching these actions with a spirit of growth for all, never wishing to continue the plight of the downtrodden. 4. In the spirit of moving life forward, we commit to remaining curious and finding new ways of altering the shadows for the downtrodden so that peoples previously left behind are shown new ways of growth and freedom, thus increasing the generation of people who may then pass the torch of growth to the next generation. We acknowledge by our signatures to this Declaration that no defeat is permanent, and that the human spirit always triumphs over despair anywhere the belief in Good is pervasive. We agree to carry forth and do Good in all works to the utmost capacity of our imperfect human nature, firm in the belief that our simple yet earnest single actions, taken together as a whole, will ultimately create the world we know is possible.

(c) 2012 Kyra Howell Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.


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