Nathan Francis 0

Petition of CUSD Administrative Regulation No.2150 Section B: Grooming

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Nathan Francis 0 Comments
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Whereas Clovis Unified School District's Administrative Regulation No.2150 Section B:Grooming is an egregious violation of a student's personal freedom by violating specific religions such as Nazirites, Sikhs, and member's of Mary's City of David by requiring Male haircut's to 'not fall below the mid-point of a stand up shirt collar' and requiring that 'earlobes must be visible'. Therefore, Clovis Unified School District's Administrative Regulation No.2150 Section B:Grooming will be adjusted to read," 1.) Hair which causes undue attention is not acceptable; i.e., unusual designs, colors, symbols, messages, mohawks, or “tails,” or unusual razor cuts. Complete razor shaving of the head is allowed. Partial razor shaving of the head may be only one inch 1”above the top of the ear. 2.) Beards are not allowed. 3.)Bangs or other hairstyles must not obstruct nor interfere with vision."

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